Photosynth! This is the most amazing app I've ever had on my phone, I think. How does it work?
The app is used to create 3D images on your phone, I don't mean the "jump-out-of-your-screen 3D" but google street view 3D, where you can take 360° images, awesome! It's free and ridiculously easy to use.
Perhaps this is a bad example pic, this is just my living room, this picture isn't showing the potential of the app, be sure to check out their Website for mind blowing pics :) Also, this is just the .jpg, when you view the images in the photosynth viewer it looks much better
Oh, and please let me know about apps to check out : )
SvaraRaderahot dang man! i gotta get me a better phone! all the cool stuff that is out there!
SvaraRaderaShoot, this is pretty awesome. i might have to get it.
SvaraRaderaHTC user here. Cannot stand apple crap - nice app anyway.
SvaraRaderaNice crib! :)
SvaraRaderaNice :D
SvaraRaderaAwesome post man! Keep up the great work!
SvaraRaderaI wrote a review on that! It's pretty awesome. Sat down at a bench near my sixth form and just took a 360 degree panorama... just incredible.
SvaraRaderaAlmost want to buy the iphone for this app :D
SvaraRaderaI love how sometimes, you find the best apps for free. Usually it costs $$$ when it comes to great apps, but this is just.. whoa... nice
SvaraRaderaThis looks great fun!
SvaraRaderai don't like apple, but kewl app though
SvaraRaderalooks interesting
SvaraRaderamade a post bout this as well